I ❤️ San Francisco

I moved to the Bay Area four years ago and I’m still in a state of constant awe at the number of places I’m trying for the first time - bakeries, burger spots, trivia bars, farmers’ markets (the list goes on 🤯). Beyond the overwhelming number of places to eat and drink, SF carries a uniquely charismatic culture in its residents…a perfect mix of work-hard-play-hard (but not too hard, can’t miss bedtime) + comfort in being uniquely oneself. People are respectful and courteous and brilliant and ambitious, and I truly love being amongst it all.

💪 are cool

My younger self never worked out much. My university had a beautiful new gym, and I must’ve gone no more than five times. I finally discovered the joys of working out at age 25, and only wish I had started sooner. An active, healthy lifestyle is now something that I fully live by.

Getting into 🍳

Most recently, I’ve been enjoying the art of experimenting with new recipes and ingredients (between you and me, the motivation is 70% taste, 30% Instagram addiction). I’ve found it to be pretty fun to learn how to prepare new ingredients, how to tweak recipes in my own way, and how to plate a picture-perfect meal.